The medcode API allows you to fetch data of target Diagnoses and Procedures. In this documentation the term resource stands for a specific procedure or diagnosis (e.g. PCS or CHOP)
Currently, our API implements the following three types of requests:To use our API you need to be authenticated using a token. You can obtain an API token by sending an email to
parameter that will determine the language of the parsed query
and the language of the descriptions within the results.
For example, you can set the language to italian using &locale=it
. Supported locales are de, fr, it, en
Unless specified, the default language is en
Description: Get all catalogs of a certain resource
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token. However, when not providing a token, the requests are throttled.
URL: /api/v1/catalogs/:resource
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources
Example: api/v1/catalogs/icd/PARAMS
CURL: curl -X GET ''
Response: {
Error Responses:
- 401 Unauthorized
- 404 MODEL with code CODE not found: In case there is no given record for the given model with the provided params.
Description: Get all ICDs that match a certain search criterion.
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token.
URL: /api/v1/icds/:catalog
- search: a search term that should match the target resource
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources
Example: Search by code prefix "A00"
CURL: curl -X GET ''
"text":"Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 01, biovar cholerae",
"synonyms":["Classical cholera"],
"text":"Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 01, biovar eltor",
"synonyms":["Cholera eltor"],
"text":"Cholera, unspecified",
Example: Search by the term "Unspecified injury of ovary"
CURL: curl -X GET ' injury of ovary&client_access_token=TOKEN'
"text":"Unspecified cholesteatoma, unspecified ear"
"text":"Unspecified subluxation of unspecified hip",
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request": In case no search param is provided
- 401 Unauthorized": In case no credentials were provided
Description: Get the data of a ICD that belong to a given catalog and code.
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token. However, when not providing a token, the requests are throttled.
URL: /api/v1/icds/:catalog/:code
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources
Example: api/v1/icds/ICD-10-CM-2018/A00?PARAMS
CURL: curl -X GET ''
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request": In case no search param is provided
- 404 MODEL with code CODE not found: In case there is no given record for the given model with the provided params.
Description: Get all PCS that match a certain search term.
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token.
URL: /api/v1/pcs/:catalog
- search: a search term that should match the target resource
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources.
Example: Search by code prefix "XY0VX"
CURL: curl -X GET ''
Response: {
"message": "OK",
"text":"Extracorporeal Introduction of Endothelial Damage Inhibitor to Vein Graft, New Technology Group 3",
"text":"Endothelial Damage Inhibitor",
"synonyms":["Endothelial Damage Inhibitor","DuraGraft(R) Endothelial Damage Inhibitor"]
Example:Search by the term "Endothelial Damage"
CURL: curl -X GET ''
Response: {
"text":"Endothelial Damage Inhibitor",
"synonyms":["Endothelial Damage Inhibitor","DuraGraft(R) Endothelial Damage Inhibitor"]
"text":"Extracorporeal Introduction of Endothelial Damage Inhibitor to Vein Graft, New Technology Group 3",
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request": In case no search param is provided
- 401 Unauthorized": In case no credentials were provided
Description: Get the data of a PCS that belong to a given catalog and code.
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token. However, when not providing a token, the requests are throttled.
URL: /api/v1/pcs/:catalog/:code
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources
Example: api/v1/pcs/ICD-10-PCS-2018/XY0VX83?PARAMS
CURL: curl -X GET ''
"text":"Extracorporeal Introduction of Endothelial Damage Inhibitor to Vein Graft, New Technology Group 3",
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request": In case no search param is provided
- 404 MODEL with code CODE not found: In case there is no given record for the given model with the provided params.
Description: Get all CHOPs that match a certain search criterion.
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token.
URL: /api/v1/chops/:catalog
- search: a search term that should match the target resource
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources
Example: api/v1/chops/CHOP 2011?PARAMS
CURL: curl -X GET ''
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request": In case no search param is provided
- 401 Unauthorized": In case no credentials were provided
Description: Get the data of a CHOP that belong to a given catalog and code.
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token. However, when not providing a token, the requests are throttled.
URL: /api/v1/chops/:catalog/:code
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources
Example: api/v1/chops/CHOP 2011/99.B5.49?PARAMS
CURL: curl -X GET '·B5·/'
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request": In case no search param is provided
- 404 MODEL with code CODE not found: In case there is no given record for the given model with the provided params.
Description: Get all OPS that match a certain search criterion.
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token.
URL: /api/v1/ops/:catalog
- search: a search term that should match the target resource
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources
Example: api/v1/ops/OPS-2013?PARAMS
CURL: curl -X GET ''
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request": In case no search param is provided
- 401 Unauthorized": In case no credentials were provided
Description: Get the data of a OPS that belong to a given catalog and code.
INFO: This request can only be performed when passing your API token. However, when not providing a token, the requests are throttled.
URL: /api/v1/ops/:catalog/:code
- client_access_token: your credentials
- message: a string that contains the response status message
- data: an array that contains the fetched resources
Example: api/v1/ops/OPS-2013/1-10?PARAMS
CURL: curl -X GET ''
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request": In case no search param is provided
- 404 MODEL with code CODE not found: In case there is no given record for the given model with the provided params.