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  • These codes are for use to identify injuries resulting from the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objective
Sub classes
  • Y38.0 Terrorism involving explosion of marine weapons
  • Y38.1 Terrorism involving destruction of aircraft
  • Y38.2 Terrorism involving other explosions and fragments
  • Y38.3 Terrorism involving fires, conflagration and hot substances
  • Y38.4 Terrorism involving firearms
  • Y38.5 Terrorism involving nuclear weapons
  • Y38.6 Terrorism involving biological weapons
  • Y38.7 Terrorism involving chemical weapons
  • Y38.8 Terrorism involving other and unspecified means
  • Y38.9 Terrorism, secondary effects