Le code 38.59.26n'existe pas dans ce catalogue. Continuer avec une autre recherche.

Diagnoses (ICD-10-CM 2018)

Medcode: Search Medical Diagnosis and Synonyms

Fuzzy search

The search algorithm is fault-tolerant and resilient, searching for pulmonry embulis will guide you to the correct search result pulmonary embolism. Medcode Search uses rules and grammar of the English language.

Some more examples:

  • Searching for Keratits will lead to Keratitis
  • Searching for Artherioskleros will lead to Atherosklerosis
  • Searching for pnumona will lead to Pneumonia
Medcode is able to identify part of your search terms. Searching for glycaemia will find hyperglycaemia as well as hypoglycaemia.


Matches with your search terms will be highlighted in the results.

Optimized code search

Please enter an ICD code directly, like E07 and the corresponding entry of the catalogue will be displayed.

See additional examples:

  • Search for F17 will also find modified codes of F17
  • Search for S39.0 will find relevant subcodes of S39
  • Search for m54.2 will find M54.2