Diagnoses (ICD-10-CM 2018)

Relevance Code Description
R79.1 Abnormal coagulation profile
Q24.3 Pulmonary infundibular stenosis
O63.9 Long labor, unspecified
O48.1 Prolonged pregnancy
P08.22 Prolonged gestation of newborn
P59.9 Neonatal jaundice, unspecified
X52 Prolonged stay in weightless environment
O63.0 Prolonged first stage (of labor)
O63.1 Prolonged second stage (of labor)
O62.4 Hypertonic, incoordinate, and prolonged uterine contractions
W94.1 Exposure to prolonged low air pressure
W94.0 Exposure to prolonged high air pressure
W93.2 Prolonged exposure in deep freeze unit or refrigerator
X50.1 Overexertion from prolonged static or awkward postures
W94.12 Exposure to other prolonged low air pressure
W94.11 Exposure to residence or prolonged visit at high altitude
Z86.73 Personal history of transient ischemic attack (TIA), and cerebral infarction without residual deficits
G43.1 Migraine with aura