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  • erythema [dermatitis] ab igne (L59.0)malignant hyperpyrexia due to anesthesia (T88.3)radiation-related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L55-L59)
  • burns (T20-T31)sunburn (L55.-)sweat disorder due to heat (L74-L75)
Sub classes
  • T67.0 Heatstroke and sunstroke
  • T67.1 Heat syncope
  • T67.2 Heat cramp
  • T67.3 Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic
  • T67.4 Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion
  • T67.5 Heat exhaustion, unspecified
  • T67.6 Heat fatigue, transient
  • T67.7 Heat edema
  • T67.8 Other effects of heat and light
  • T67.9 Effect of heat and light, unspecified